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I’ve come to realize that I’m a doter.

I honestly feel like May is the busiest month of the year for me. Or maybe, it’s just this year. Anyway, I’ve been trying to find time to write. And the will. It just hasn’t happened until now. Life, I guess.

But it has recently occurred to me that I’m a doter. I think I just made that a word. Definition: a person who likes to dote.

It’s probably a part of my love language. I enjoy doing things for people. Making them their favorite meal or dessert. Helping them write an about me for a dating profile. Helping them pick out their clothes for the next day. You get what I’m saying.

It makes me feel accomplished. It’s like a part of my nurturing habit or something. Maybe a little part of my people-pleaser. I guess I have childhood trauma to thank for that.

As long as I remember to set the appropriate boundaries for myself, everything’s alright. I flourish.

But sometimes, I notice I stretch myself too thin and it causes me to be easily overwhelmed. Usually in the form of not doing the things that I love. Like, writing or reading. Which I have noticed I haven’t been reading near as much as I want. Or writing, for that matter.

It’s hard. Finding a balance when you’re a homemaker, on top of your doter ways.  I’ve been out of work for over 5 months now and I’m still getting use to the new grind.

I still haven’t even touched my fiction, yet. My imagination is getting very antsy about that too. She’s swirling with so many ideas, on top of my dusty pile of WIPs I keep in the corner, begging me to continue them.

Maybe I just need a little inspiration to jump start my creativity again? If you have any ideas, leave a comment below! I’d love to hear them.


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