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In Deep Water: Chapter Five

“Can you zoom in right here?” Nathan points to a shadow on the computer screen.

Sophie clicks to make it larger, the image morphing into thick towers of coral reaching towards the sky.

“Damn! Just another coral shelf.” Nathan rubs a palm down his face. He leans back in his chair and rolls his shoulders. Finding a shipwreck, especially unknown, would be the find of the decade. Not just for him, but for all of us.

I chew on the end of my pen, stifling a yawn. “We’ve been at this for days and all we have to show for it is a dozen reefs.”

Sophie sighs, resuming the video. “At least we’re able to take samples with the ROVs.”

Xander drums his thumbs on the desk, focus glued to the monitor. “It’s a waiting game, Em. Seeking a needle.”

I grumble. “In a needle stack, sure.”

Sophie laughs and pokes me in the side. I roll my eyes at her but can’t help my grin. I’ve never been a patient person. That was all Soph.

Xander nudges my thigh with his own...continue reading Chapter Five at Coffee House Writers.


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