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In Deep Water: Chapter Four

“It’s been two days!” I tuck my feet under me and hand Sophie the TV remote. “How long does it take to make a simple decision?”

“Now you know why I don’t get along with my dad,” Xander huffs. He lay sprawled on the adjacent couch with a bowl of popcorn in his lap. His blond hair fanning around the black and white checkered pillow propping his head up.

Sophie scrolls through the movies. “Maybe that’s a good thing.”

I frown. “How so?”

“We can keep exploring in the meantime.”

Xander nods. “She’s right, Em. I’m not about to abandon the mission.”

I grin at the use of my nickname and steal a handful of popcorn.

“If Nathan doesn’t get his ass down here soon, I’m playing the movie without him.” Sophie stretches beside me, fanning the blanket to cover her bare feet.

“I’m so sorry, Sophia. I lost track of time.” Nathan pants, taking a seat in a nearby recliner chair. His dark hair is wild and unkempt, and his clothes are rumpled.

 “You look like...continue reading Chapter Four at Coffee House Writers.


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