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In Deep Water: Chapter One

“What’s the name of the ship, Em?” Sophie asks me for the billionth time, her dark eyes darting from one end of the marina to the other as we make our way among the deckhands.

“The Griffin. Honestly Soph, you need to relax a little. I’ve got all the information right here. We shouldn’t be able to miss it,” I reassure her, though I’m a little nervous myself. Which is far from usual for me. We both slept through our alarms, resulting in a lot of cuss words and thrown clothes.

“We’re here now,” I repeat out loud, for her benefit and my own. Taking a deep breath, I wave a manilla envelop in her face.

The same manilla envelope that arrived at our apartment three months ago inviting us on an exclusive excursion to places unknown. We thought it was a scam until our archaeology professor approached us the next day in class. We have been selected...continue reading Chapter One at Coffee House Writers.


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