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In Deep Water: Chapter Two

“You wanna talk about what had you screaming in the middle of the night?” Sophie shoves a forkful of French toast into her mouth and stares at me expectantly.

I sigh and stare at my waffle, syrup oozing around a mountain of chocolate chips. “Not really.”

Sophie purses her lips. “It wouldn’t have anything to do with your claustrophobia, would it?”

“Morning, ladies.” Nathan says, saving me from having to answer that question. He drops his tray of food on the table, dragging a chair in his wake. “How was your first night on board?”

Sophie grins. “It was good when we weren’t getting lost.”

I force a smile. “What about yours, Mr. D?”

Nathan quirks a brow. “Mine was great. How about I give you two the formal tour after this? Perhaps save you from getting lost again.”

Sophie laughs. “That would be awesome!”

I nod around a bite of my breakfast.

“Mind if I join you?” Xander Lucas...continue reading Chapter Two at Coffee House Writers.


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