I’ve come to realize that I’m a doter.
I honestly feel like May is the busiest month of the year for me. Or maybe, it’s just this year. Anyway, I’ve been trying to find time to...
That Body Dysmorphia, Though.
One thing I didn’t realize that would come with my grief is an overwhelming amount of body dysmorphia. I mean, I struggled with my image...
Who else here struggles with Procrastination?
In December of last year, I got married. I also quit my job at Walmart so that I could focus my attention on the house, the kids, and my...
What Are You Thankful For?
The past couple weeks have been so crazy, I haven’t had a chance to write. Strep throat has been going around my house and I’m the latest...
Let’s talk about Persephone
So in last week’s post, I talked about losing my 13 month old, Persephone. So let’s talk about her. I adopted Persephone from the...
I’m Back!
I’m not going to lie to you. This post was hard to start. I honestly have no idea how to start, even still. So here I am, writing this....
For My Grandmother: A Cold Hard Truth
Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about my grandmother. My Nan-Nan- I could tell you stories about this woman. She had her weird quirks-...
Welcome to Genuinely Jessi!
For my first official post, I wanted to tell you why I’ve created this blog and what I hope to gain from it. Genuinely Jessi was created...